The GPS has gradually replaced our good old cards. Now just download GPS Navigation Services to find your routes offline. We are necessarily thinking of Maps, but there are plenty of other practical GPS navigation solutions.
To get directions from one point to another, you only need to activate the GPS on your smartphone. Downloaded maps are usually updated regularly, so you'll always be safe, fast, with accurate information.
GPS Navigation Services is a complete GPS to help you go anywhere in the world and see any street almost instantly without the Internet on your device. To use the city maps this way, all you need to do is download the set of countries for any place you would like to go, which makes it very useful when planning trips. Then you can access any corner on the map when you are offline since all the information is stored locally on your device.
GPS Navigation Services is a paid navigation system, which requires downloading the maps
Above all, it does not only manage routes by car, but also public transport services (Metro, bus, tram, etc.).
The application offers great knowledge of roads around the world also thanks to its open-source map system which can be completed by the community. The GPS Navigation Services is however complex (but complete) to handle, and the display of maps can be adjusted to get the help you can
Indeed, the offline mode of Maps obliges the user to select the area he wants to have available all the time and it is not infinite. It is not yet possible to download the entire Earth!
With the appearance of smartphones still connected, cartography and search for routes have evolved with services like Maps to make use of this permanent connection. The problem, it may happen that our smartphone does not pick up the mobile network or that we voluntarily cut its connection, especially abroad (to avoid roaming charges). In these cases, the best solution is to use a GPS application capable of operating without an Internet connection. Then simply download the maps of the region in advance for peaceful navigation.
The GPS have gradually replaced our good old cards . Now just download the GPS Navigation service to find your routes offline.
Get to know about Services
GPS without internet connection
The GPS has gradually replaced our good old cards. Now just download the right app to find your routes offline. We are necessarily thinking of Maps, but there are plenty of other practical GPS navigation solutions. Here is our selection of the best GPS without an Internet connection on Android.
With the appearance of smartphones still connected, cartography and search for routes have evolved with services like Maps to make use of this permanent connection. The problem, it may happen that our smartphone does not pick up the mobile network or that we voluntarily cut its connection, especially abroad (to avoid roaming charges). In these cases, the best solution is to use a GPS application capable of operating without an Internet connection. Then simply download the maps of the region in advance for peaceful navigation.
So here we offer our selection of the best free and paid GPS apps you can find on the Store. You will always have your navigation maps at hand!
Indeed, the offline mode of Maps obliges the user to select the area he wants to have available all the time and it is not infinite. It is not yet possible to download the entire Earth!
The application offers great knowledge of roads around the world also thanks to its open-source map system which can be completed by the community. The Map interface is however complex (but complete) to handle, and the display of maps can belong.
Above all, it does not only manage routes by car, but also public transport services (Metro, bus, tram, etc.).
Navigation of connected vehicles
The most advanced navigation and on-board vehicle system now work together.
GPS Navigation Services Truck Navigation
Offline GPS navigation for trucks and recreational vehicles with maps and routes for large vehicles.
GPS Navigation Services Travel Maps
Powerful travel planner, detailed maps and travel guides from around the world in one application.
Get to know About Us
We are GPS Navigation Services
We revolutionize the way people travel. We connect smartphones to vehicles, help families stay in touch and guide fleets of business vehicles worldwide. All this while continuing to innovate.
Our culture
Although we have become an international company, we continue to maintain the culture of our beginnings. We are passionate about technology and we like to work in small teams. Each of us prints his personal stamp to our innovative products, which millions of people enjoy.

Solutions for connected vehicles and advanced cartography for the automotive industry
Smart Mobility
Map & Navigation platform for rapid implementation
of traffic management systems in cities and applications for developing cities
Map Update
We bring you free map updates a few times each year, so you don't need to encounter situations that arise with outdated maps.
Location Intelligence
High-quality real-time mobile and traffic signal data to create user profiles, traffic, parking and other events